Just wanted to give the site a big “THANKS” and show off my cheat meal I have every Friday night.
I read the guide (twice!) and lost 31 pounds in the process over 6 months. Most of it due to just making a few of the changes that are suggested there that allow me to still eat and feel full but not gain any more body fat.
So, I get to eat this bad boy plate of food Friday nights and I know I can get away with it.
I’m sometimes still full the next morning and don’t need to eat breakfast.
I still have more work to do but am happy I am at least stable at this weight.
Thanks again …
– Samantha

The Eating Love Guide has helped many people regain control of their eating patterns, resulting not only in weight loss but also better health and improved self-esteem. To read it online, click here.
To post your cheat meal, click here. To share your tips, wisdom and/or emotional journey, click here.